HEMA – Takkie & Siepie

In the Netherlands, many children grow up with the adventures of Takkie & Siepie. The irresistible duo, the dog and cat, created by Annie M.G. Schmidt who wrote the most beautiful stories about them.

The awesome illustrations are made by the acclaimed illustrator Fiep Westendorp. Takkie and Siepie have been Hema’s children’s icons for years and are used in many designs. The Hema Christmas commercial in which Takkie & Siepie played the leading role even won a golden Loekie. The highest possible price for TV commercials in the Netherlands.

Studio Kluif, together with the fashion and styling department of Hema, has developed a powerful, clear visual language for the new Hema Takkie & Siepie range. This clear visual language will be applied to many collections. A project we are proud of at Studio Kluif.